Improving My Home With New Concrete Floors

Improving My Home With New Concrete Floors

  • Removing Grout Residue From Your New Tiled Kitchen Backsplash

    If you've recently had your kitchen backsplash tiled, you may be battling to remove the grout residue from the installation process. Here, you'll learn how to get rid of that residue once and for all. Supply List Multipurpose cleaner Sponge Bucket Nylon bristle scrub brush Poultice scrub Old towels White vinegar Choose the Cleaner The cleaner that you select for this process must be non-abrasive and shouldn't contain bleach.

  • 3 Tips For Preparing Basement Foundations Before Beginning Remodeling Projects

    Remodeling your basement is a great way to add space to your home, but there are some things that need to be done before you can get started. The foundation and its waterproofing are important factors to consider before you begin remodeling and finishing projects. There may repairs and improvements that are needed before you get started to protect your home from serious water damage problems. Here are some tips that will help prepare your basement foundation and waterproofing for remodeling projects.

  • Why Concrete Is A Good Choice For An RV Parking Pad And A Look At DIY Installation

    If you need to install a new parking space beside your driveway or behind your fence for parking a new RV, gravel or cement would be good options. Although putting in a concrete parking pad is more work, it is probably the best choice. Here's why concrete is better and how you can install it yourself to save money. The Advantages Of A Concrete Parking Pad Concrete keeps weeds from growing up under your RV, which might happen if you put in gravel instead.

  • Crack Filler Vs. Epoxy Repair

    Do you have old, cracked and faded concrete? Do you want to make it look better and repair the damaged areas? There a few ways that you can repair concrete. This article compares some of the best products and methods for repairing small concrete blemishes. Crack Filler Traditional concrete crack filler is the most convenient and affordable way to repair small cracks. Crack filler is a mixture of concrete and glue.

  • How To Fill Stress Cracks In Precast Concret

    Do you have grass and weeds growing in between your concrete stress lines? If so, you're probably constantly battling these with weed killers, weed pulling, and any other method to get rid of them. However, it is possible to permanently fix this problem so you don't have to deal with it over and over. This article explains how homeowners can clean out their stress cracks, and fill them with a permanent crack filler solution that will prevent any further weed growth.

  • About Me

    Improving My Home With New Concrete Floors

    After struggling with both carpet and hardwood, I knew that there had to be something we could do to make a difference. I wanted to install flooring that I wouldn't have to worry about, so I started talking with concrete contractors to see if they could help. We started working out the details, and before I knew it, we were installing brand new concrete floors, and it was a huge relief. Before I knew it, our floors were installed, stained, polished, and absolutely beautiful. This website is here for anyone thinking about concrete floors or improving their home with a little cement work.
